after a brief stint in yakima at essencia bakery, i've settled back down in good old seattle town. considering my graduation aspirations it might be a while before my wandering stretches much further than the streets between campus and my apartment. how do i still have 2+ years of getting educated when it seems like i have been going to school forever you might ask? believe me, i've been asking myself the same question.
but no worries, i kind of like it here. as long as i have the cash flow keep my nose out of the real world and in the books, i'm happy to take full advantage. if you come and visit i promise to show you pictures of my travels, take you to my favorite coffee shop, and excite (or bore) you with all i'm learning about old-growth forests and international forest management.
on that note i am signing off. after twenty-four cities, six countries, and two continents, my wandering feet are officially kickin' it in washington state.
which is still, by the way, one of my favorite places in the world.

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