Monday, January 28, 2008

images into words: valparaìso

on the half hour walk from bus station to hostel

  • a man staggers into a butcher shop with literally half of a cow slung over his shoulders. beatles music is blasting through speakers in the doorway.
  • an old lady in a flower print dress is playing pinball in an arcade with bright flashing lights. she whacks the side of the machine and utters a chilean profanity.
  • pirate-esque eyepatch man (neighbor one) stands arguing in the doorway with belly-length bearded man (neighbor two) across the street.
  • two junked televisions sit stacked and abandoned on the corner, the first painted "apáguelo" and the second "viva la vida".
  • lazy dogs sleeping EVERYWHERE. children eating avocado smothered hotdogs bigger than their heads. murals, tags, graffiti, urban art on every wall and surface.


Rufus McCain said...

Fabulous. You're assignment now, should you choose to accept it, is to take one of those images and construct a short story around it.

I'm lovin' this blog!

Rufus McCain said...

I mean "your" assignment. The English major in me couldn't let that stand. Dammit.

Rufus McCain said...

My favorite, by the way, is the lady playing pinball.

Ashley said...

love it! so vivid - i felt like i could truly envision a stroll down a chilean street!


alana lautensleger said...

assignment accepted. stay tuned.