Monday, January 28, 2008

book meme

tagged by rufus mccain and ursumagrandma

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

la casa de los espìritus, Isabel Allende

al morir su madre, fèrula se encontrò sola y sin nada ùtil a lo cual dedicar su vida, a una edad en que no tenìa ilusiòn de casarse. por un tiempo estuvo visitando conventillos todos los dìas en una frenètica obra piadosa que le provocò una bronquitis crònica y no llevò nada de paz a su alma atormentada. esteban quiso que viajara, se comprara ropa y se divirtiera por primera vez en su melancòlica existencia, pero ella tenìa el hàbito de la austeridad y llevaba demasiado tiempo encerrada en su casa.

with the death of her mother, ferula was found alone and without anything useful with which to dedicate her life, at an age that didn`t have the ilusion of marriage. for a time she was visiting tenement houses every day in a frantic charitable deed that provoked chronic bronchitis and didn`t bring any peace to her tormented soul. esteban wanted her to travel, to buy clothing and have fun for the first time in her melancholy existence, but she had the habit of austerity and spent too much time enclosed in her house.

i reached into my backpack and grabbed this first, which is way more interesting than lonely planet (the other book in my pack) would have been.

mike. renyel. aldo. jared. justin.

post em in the comments


Pr. Michael said...

From "Three Men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome. (describing an impromptu Irish Stew) "I forget the other ingredients, but I know nothing was wasted; and I remember that toward the end, Montmorency, who had evinced great intrest in the proceedings throughout, strolled away with an earnest and thoughtful air, reappearing, a few minutes afterwards, with a dead water-rat in his mouth, which he evidently wished to present as his contribution to the dinner; whether in a sarcastic spirit, or with a genuine desire to assist, I cannot say. We had a dsicussion as to whether the rat should go in or not. Harris said that he thought it would be all right, mixed up with the other things, and that every little helped; but George stood up for the precedent. He said he had never heard of water-rats in Irish stew, and he would rather be on the safe side, and not try experiments."

Pr. Michael said...

From Mike - tag Ash, Jon, Anna, Dustin, Jean

Aldo said...

Moreover, as species diversity increases during ecosystem recovery, the balance between intraspecific and interspecific competition can shift, with the former more common than the latter in early successinoal commuinties. However, irrespective of the age of successional fields, competitive neighbourhoods can differ greatly in their complexity. Neighbours can be influenced by both the density and the identity of the interacting species of competitors, and possibly by the number of these species (Bazzaz and Garbutt 1988)

Bazzaz F.A. and K. Garbutt 1988. The response of annuals in competitive in competitive neighbourhoods: Effects of elevated CO2. Ecology 69: 937-46.

This was from "Plants in a Changing Environments", scientific book entirely written by F.A. Bazzaz.

What can I fucking say, once I saw your post I had to get a book - but I was in my frikken' office, and I had this on the desk. We're lucky enough that I didn't pick up PC-Ord user's guide!!!
But If I picked up a book in my room things would have been definitely different. However, at this point I don't think it's fair to pick another one up. Shit.

From Aldo,
Tag Attilio, Diego, Lindsay, Sofia, Giulia the fuck up!

Jonathan Potter said...

From The Forest for the Trees: An Editor's Advice to Writers on Anne Sexton and her problem with alcohol:

"When a writer crosses the line, when the addiction is all-consuming, even the redemptive powers of art are rendered mute. The typewriter is mute. 'Alcohol helped generate the curves of feeling on which her poetry lifted its wings,' continues Middlebrook, 'but it dropped her too, into depression, remorse, sleeplessness, paranoia--the normal host of furies that pursue alcoholics....'